Simplifying AWS Services Access for pods with EKS Pod Identity

In November 2023, AWS announced EKS Pod Identity, a new feature to facilitate the configuration of IAM permissions for pods hosted on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service EKS. Prior to this announcement I had always been used to another method that I usually implement in my EKS clusters. IRSA for IAM Role for Service Accounts. The mai...

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Get S3 object securely using Curl and Openssl with SIGV4

As I was working on a project for a client, I encountered a challenging situation. I needed to retrieve S3 objects from EC2 instances that were built from an AMI from the AWS Marketplace and deployed in private subnets with no access to the internet. The S3 service is reachable via S3 Gateway endpoints deployed in these private subnets. ...

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Retour d’expérience : déployer et gérer une infrastructure Kubernetes on premise

Dans le cadre d’une mission client, nous avons accompagné l’équipe chargée de développer des services d’enrichissement de données. Dans ce contexte où les applications sont déployées et administrées par une équipe d’exploitation sur des VMs (machines virtuelles), le client avait deux besoins principaux. Faire adopter la méthodologie DevO...

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